Shielding Orthodox Jewish Educational facilities

In the 1972 Supreme Court docket case Wisconsin v. Yoder, Amish People challenged Wisconsin’s compulsory instruction regulation, which expected small children to show up at general public or non-public school until finally the age of sixteen. They argued that the regulation threatened their religious way of daily life, as regular Amish people normally clear away children from college soon after eighth quality. In their check out, Amish vocational instruction at property could put together minors for a complete and successful existence as democratic citizens even though continue to adhering to Amish spiritual concepts. At the time, the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of The us — together with a huge range of other Jewish companies from throughout the denominational spectrum — joined a temporary in assistance of the Amish that echoed these two main ideas. “American Jewry,” the brief stated, “has a potent interest in common secular schooling for little ones,” but also a “robust curiosity in religious freedom and in a religiously and culturally pluralistic The united states.” To equilibrium the two would involve “resolv[ing] a clash of competing pursuits, all occupying superior degrees in our democratic scales of justice.”

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Why Reading Educational Research can be a Challenge?

Written with co-author Dr Christine Bottrell. Pre-service teacher education students, in most courses, are required to undertake some study of education research methods, to provide them with skills to read and make use of education research. However, the field of education research is a complex and difficult area. Perhaps focusing upon the most frequently used research methods could be a useful starting point. So, what type of research methods are most favoured in education? This article describes the authors’ attempts to answer this question, and the unexpected outcomes of the quest.


Understanding research and being able to critically read research reports in education would seem to be an important skill for teachers to acquire,Why Reading Educational Research can be a Challenge? Articles and many initial teacher education programs, in countries such as Australia, require students to study a research method subject. In the case of pre-service teachers, there are important questions for a lecturer to consider. What should be the content and focus of an introductory course in research methods for pre-service education students? What are the priorities? Where to start? The starting point is important because, for many of these pre-service teachers, this may be the only study they will ever undertake in the area of education research. A pre-service teacher who is provided with a sound foundation in research methods is more likely to be a productive user of education research as an education practitioner.

In the limited time available for an introductory course in research methods, decisions have to be made regarding what to teach and what to leave out; what topics are considered to be more important than others and why. The field of education research is complex and, for students, the area can be overwhelming. In the experience of the authors, who have taught research methods at both under-graduate and post-graduate level over many years, students consistently describe their confusion and frustration at the sheer scope of the area and, in some cases, this acts as a disincentive.

Perhaps a useful starting point would be to focus upon the type of research that is most prevalent in education, on the assumption that students would be more likely to come across examples in the journals they read. If students are cognizant with the methods used in the research that they most frequently encounter then surely confidence would be increased. As journals are readily accessible for students, an investigation of relevant education journals would be a useful source in order to determine if certain types of research are published more frequently than others.

An investigation of this nature may reveal a profile of education research that could have implications for education researchers as well as assisting teachers and pre-service teachers. This article describes the authors’ endeavor to profile selected education research journals and the unexpected surprises encountered along the way; in particular, difficulties in the development of a suitable ‘mapping tool’. There may be implications for education researchers as well as teachers of research.

The Nature of Educational Research

Educational research is undertaken by a range of stakeholders including government departments and non-government organisations, but the majority of educational research, as with most disciplines, is undertaken by academics in universities. Educational research covers a broad range of topics such as curriculum and pedagogy, education systems (encompassing early childhood, primary, secondary education) and various specialist studies, including areas such as assessment, leadership, technology and gender.

Research needs of stakeholders vary. Education departments use research to inform teaching and curriculum practice, devise professional learning activities, target resources and improve system requirements. Non-government organisations may use research to develop teaching resources or provide information to improve services to a range of clients. Research that underpins the teaching and learning process is of particular importance to inform teacher practice. Universities usually require students to engage with the education research literature, whereby students undertake a unit in research methods or read educational research. With the growth of pre-service teacher education courses offered at the Master degree level in countries such as Australia, the requirement for research skills has escalated.

Research in education encompasses many different naturalistic, interpretative, hypothesis generating models as well as hypothesis testing models. A rich resource of text books is available for those studying the theory and practice of educational research: Burke & Christensen (2012), Punch (2009), O’Toole & Beckett (2013), Wiersma and Jurs (2009) and Yin (2012), to name a few. Due to the nature of research in an educational setting the majority of research utilises a hypothesis generation approach with a predominance of verbal qualitative data gathering.

The reporting of educational research is usually presented in a range of publications such as academic journals, including online journals, professional magazines and books. Academic journals are a pathway that allows for the results of research to be released quickly into the public space. The content of academic journals also contains opinion papers, book reviews and editorial pieces; however, in some journals, the distinction between position/opinion papers and reports of research are left to the reader to discover, which can be a problem for students and inexperienced researchers. Nevertheless, articles in journals are a readily accessible starting place for students of research methods.

Several studies have attempted to map the type of research methodology used in various educational research; for example: Murray, Nuttall & Mitchell (2008), Nuttall, Murray, Seddon & Mitchell (2006), and Tuinamuana (2012). However, Burns (2000) contends that in general, most educational research tends to be classified as “case study research”, which has become an “over-arching” term to describe educational research that does not fit with experimental, historical or descriptive research methods.

Barriers exist regarding classification of different types of research methodology; in particular, where there is not a shared understanding of categories, such as method, data source, data gathering, and data analysis. The wide-spread use of general terms, such as “qualitative research” and “quantitative research”, and the term “mixed method research”, that largely refers to the use of both verbal data and numerical data in a research study, can cause confusion. The education research field is broad and interrelated so that students, novice researchers, and teachers new to reading research are often overwhelmed and unsure where to start.

Where should the novice begin?

The question of where to start the journey into the ‘research methodology forest’ would be answered in numerous ways depending upon the preferences or individual expertise of a lecturer. Pre-service teachers, and those commencing research for the first time, often seek advice regarding the ‘best’ method, or the ‘most useful’ approach, but it is not that simple. Students themselves bring to the situation their own experience and knowledge of research, both formal and informal. As teachers of research methods to pre-service teachers and early career researchers, over many years, questions to the authors, such as “where do I start?”, “it is difficult to know who to believe when one lecturer talks about the same term in a completely different way” and “what research method is most useful for teachers?”, were often followed by complaints about the daunting size of the task and difficulty in reading research reports in education journals.

For the novice some knowledge of research methods would be essential for reading and understanding research reports in order to make a judgement of the usefulness of the findings to their situation. The absence of information about the research process deters understanding no matter what level of research expertise the reader brings to the task. Indeed, education doctoral students attending a recent conference session, given by one of the authors, expressed concern with inadequate information provided in research journal articles about the methods used, data gathering techniques and subsequent data analysis. Comments such as “it is often not clear what is being reported when components, such as how the data were collected, are missing” and “I expect to read details on the data source or data gathering but sometimes this information is just not there”, as well as comments about the difficulties encountered by students in “identifying the type of research methodology used in educational research” (Knipe& Bottrell, 2013). It seems that pre-service teachers are not alone in their concerns about reading and understanding education research.

If particular types of research methodology are more frequently used by educational researchers, such as case study as claimed by Burns (2000), then there could be justification in placing an initial emphasis on case study methodology as a starting point in teaching research methods. As it is more likely that students and early career researchers would encounter this method in educational research journals, they would have a useful starting point for reading research and designing a research study. From the confidence gained through knowledge of one method of research, students could be encouraged to use that knowledge as a springboard into other research methodology.

Developing a “Mapping Tool”

Methods of classifying research into various categories and the development of instruments used have been reported in many disciplines, from early classifications by Cooper (1984) in social science to more recent classifications in areas such as Sports Science (Williams & Kendall, 2007) and Marketing (Ensign 2006). In categorizing educational research methods, an early attempt by Barr etal (1931) identified eight areas and, more recently, Isaac & Michael (1995) designated nine categories. Books on research are mostly organised by chapters that address the various aspects of research and tend not to be arranged by methodological classifications.

A review of categories used in books on research, including text books on education research, showed that some text books are structured according to particular designated research methodologies, such as ethnography, case study, phenomenology, descriptive and experimental, including extensive description and detailed features on each research method. In other text books, research methodologies, approaches to data gathering and analysis are addressed as separate entities. Concepts such as ‘research paradigms’ are often dealt with as a category separate from research methods.

Some text books on research methods have titles relating to “qualitative” research that focused upon the characteristics of naturalistic enquiry prevalent in education research, together with an emphasis on gathering verbal data from subject and/or researcher. By comparison, very few texts were found with the title “quantitative research”, but some authors such as Burns (2000) designate a section in their book titled “quantitative research”. ‘Qualitative’ and ‘quantitative’ are terms used to describe a group of research methods, types of data gathered, and data analysis techniques. For the purpose of this project and for reasons of clarity, the terms ‘qualitative’ and ‘quantitative’ were not used as categories in the development of a ‘mapping tool’.

In classifying educational research into mutually exclusive categories, the focus was upon research methodologies, separate from data gathered, sources of data, and data analysis techniques. Four categories were designated as follows:

Source of Data (e.g. teachers/students/school administrators/parents/non-school personnel etc)

Data Gathering Technique (e.g. interview/observation/survey/existing data etc)

Data Analysis Techniques (e.g. Categories/Themes/Open and axial coding/statistical analysis etc).

Research Methods (e.g. Case Study/Action research/Field study/ Quasi-experimental, Developmental, Historical etc).

A category for “sampling methods” was included together with a category for the reporting of reliability/dependability and validity/authenticity of the data gathering tools. The ‘mapping tool’ was called the Journal Article Research Analysis (JARA) Schedule and details of the complete categories, definitions for items, and results of the use of the JARA Schedule in a research project, will be presented elsewhere.

Application of the JARA Schedule

For early ‘test runs’ of the JARA Schedule, journals selected for review varied from one complete issue of a journal to analysing all issues for one year. Journals, national and international, were drawn from four major areas in education: namely, Educational and Developmental Psychology, Education Research, Teacher Education and Education Administration.

Generally, research journals contain reports of research together with position statements or opinion and book reviews. However, in selecting education research journals to use for the ‘test run’, it became apparent that there was a far greater proportion of position/opinion papers than expected – in some cases up to half of all articles were found to be opinion/position papers. Indeed, some of the opinion papers were presented as ‘research’ but closer scrutiny revealed that the paper was merely an informal report with no evidence of systematic investigation. The ratio of research to non-research articles in a significant number of journals purporting to be research journals was an unexpected discovery.

The absence of information regarding methodology, data gathering, and/or data analysis was another surprise. One would expect that a research article in a journal designated as having a research focus would include details of the research process, as well as reference to sampling methods, reliability and validity. In some instances, an author may have claimed to have used a particular method (for example, case study) but the description of the procedures followed did not meet the criteria for case study research, according to widely accepted definitions contained in text books on research methods.

For further ‘test runs’ of the JARA Schedule, the authors sought the assistance of two very experienced researchers both of whom had taught research methods for many years at the Master and Doctoral level. The team of four, independently, applied the JARA Schedule to a selection of eight articles. Discussion prior to using the JARA Schedule clarified definitions of the categories to the satisfaction of everyone in the team. After the scoring was complete discrepancies in scoring were discussed. It became clear that a major problem was with research reports that failed to include information about how data was gathered and analysed, or where the information provided, regarding procedures followed, was inadequate. In some cases, reports did not include a description of methodology, leaving the team to provide their own interpretation. The JARA Schedule team considered such interpretation to be unsatisfactory so a scoring descriptor of “not included /not clear” was added to the coding.

The category of ‘research methods’ stimulated much discussion and all members of the team were surprised that, despite our experience in the area of education research, we were not as clear in our understanding of definitions as we would like to have been. The discussion that followed as the team clarified and refined definitions of research methods, with extensive consultation of text books on research methods, served to strengthen their understanding and expertise in the research area. In this sense, the JARA Schedule, became a professional learning tool for the research team. Later “test runs” with nine other academics revealed similar lack of certainty in definitions. This seems to suggest that definitions and understanding of research methods may have been taken for granted, and the authors connected this with the confusion expressed by the first-time research methods students.

The team reviewed the JARA Schedule categories and the definitions with reference to explanations provided in research methods texts, expanding the definitions and providing supporting explanations where necessary. The revised JARA Schedule was trialed with a group of 44 students at the post-graduate level undertaking an introductory research methods unit as part of a Master of Teaching degree. Results showed a high level of agreement for all categories except the category of ‘research methods’. However, the feedback from pre-service teachers indicated a high degree of satisfaction with using the JARA Schedule because the process provided a comprehensive overview of the field that served to expand their understanding of research methods in general. The following comments illustrate reactions from pre-service teachers;

“we were given an understanding of a wide range of methods and procedures, and that has given us confidence”

“this has been one of the most valuable aspects of the course, offering a clearly organised method of making sense of the research maze, over a short face-to- face period. I know I will be much more competent in deciding what is useful research for my daily practice”

“I get it now, I am much more able to see through the big words and evaluate the important things that go to make good quality research.”

“I am still confused but I see how important it is for me to look carefully at what people say they are doing, is it useable research and what is actually there”

The JARA Schedule emerged from the problems faced by two university lecturers as they attempted to negotiate their way around the plethora of ‘research’ on offer in education, in order to make research interesting and comprehensible to pre-service teachers. The initial task was to identify research methods most frequently published in journals. However, the most useful and unexpected outcome from the process of developing the JARA Schedule has been the creation of a viable learning tool for teaching research methods. The JARA Schedule could be used as a teaching tool for students undertaking research methods classes, as well as a resource for teachers to enable professional learning options that provide experienced teachers with the skills to critically evaluate research studies relevant to their role as a teacher and to classroom practice.


Barr, A. S. ; Almack, John C. ; Ayer, Fred C. ; Dashiell, J. F. ; Gates, Arthur I. ; Good, Carter V. ; Johnson, Palmer O. ; Kelley, Truman L. ; Mccall, William A. ; Ruch, G. M. ; Symonds, Percival M. ; Toops, Herbert A. ; Trabue, M. R. ; Whitney, F. L. ; Woody, Clifford ; Kilpatrick, William H. ; Henmon, V. A. C. ; Freeman, Frank N. (1931). Symposium on the Classification of Education research. Journal of Education Research, 23(5), 353-382.

Burns, R. (2000). Introduction to Research Methods. 4th edn. Longman Frenchs Forest, NSW.

Cooper, H. (1984). The Integrative Research Review. A Systematic Approach. Applied Social Science Research methods Series Volume 2. Sage Publications.

Ensign, P (2006). Ensign International Channels of Distribution: A Classification System for Analyzing Research Studies. The Multinational Business Review, 14 (3), 95-120 Emerald Group Publishing Limited.

Huberman, A. & Miles, M (2002). The qualitative researcher’s companion. Thousand Oaks, California. Journal of Educational Research, 23(5), 353-382.

Isaac, S. & Michael, W. (1995). Handbook in res

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The important role of Education and Training in the development of the country Education and training create a knowledge economy for social development

Comprehensive renovation is needed for the development of Education and Training in the international integration period

In order for this field to promote and respond effectively to international integration,THE VALUE OF EDUCATION Articles globalization always needs an overall development strategy, in line with modern trends, updated with regional and international standards.

The important role of Education and Training in the development of the country

For a long time, along with the development and going up of the country, the Party, State, and Government have always cared about and clearly defined the importance of education and training. Accordingly, with the view that no investment brings as many benefits as investment in Education and Training, because this is the field and foundation that contributes to the formation and creation of a standard personality for each citizen, training. laborers with professional qualifications, dynamism and creativity are the prerequisites for the country’s socio-economic development.

Today, in the trend of globalization and international economic integration, the Party, State, and Government also define Education and Training as an advantage, factor, key and new driving force for promoting the economy. economic – social development.

Education and training create a knowledge economy for social development

Thus, in the view of fundamental and comprehensive innovation of Education and Training of the Party, this is considered as a leading strategy, policies and measures to develop and bring the country to prosperity. Thanks to that specific determination, education and training contributes to improving people’s knowledge, promoting efficiency, human resources, and it is this that creates the values, motivation and objective requirements of The socio-economic (socio-economic) development, the core of the knowledge-nuclear economy, is vital to the current global trend and international integration.

Because, Education and Training is an activity that has a direct impact on improving human intelligence, understanding and applying scientific and technical knowledge to human production. At the same time, this is the best way for people to promptly access new information, update, enrich knowledge and creative capacity. In addition, it also helps people to promote internal resources – national intellectual level, in which the intellectual content in labor brought by Education and Training is what makes people a special resource of production. basic force, endless resources to develop knowledge economy. Nehru group of Institutions one of the finest educational institutions in south India under the guidance of p krishnadas nehru group chairman.

Also through the newly created Education and Training, encouraging and promoting effectively all resources in society, first of all, human resources for socio-economic development. People who are educated and self-educated will be able to creatively and effectively solve problems posed by the development of the knowledge economy. Human creative capacity is endless, but that capacity is only aroused and promoted through Education and Training. Therefore, the revival of Education and Training is the secret to promoting the development of the knowledge economy.

It is easy to see that before, when we wanted to achieve labor productivity mainly based on experience, now it was different, achieving productivity was mainly based on knowledge. Also thanks to the knowledge economy, we can quickly and easily create a breakthrough to promote endogenous capabilities “shorten the time, the process of industrialization and modernization country.

We all know that human knowledge is not natural, but is largely created through the process of learning, accumulating, and efforts in the education and training environment. It is also in this environment that cultural values, social knowledge will easily become the property of each individual and thanks to that, these valuable values will continue to spread throughout the community society.

Besides, also through Education and Training, new social value systems have been created, contributing to the protection of the political regime of each country and ethnic group, creating people, social citizens strong political field, resisting against “cultural invasions” in the process of international integration and global trends.

Comprehensive renovation is needed for the development of Education and Training in the international integration period

Thus, education and training plays an important role, especially in the country’s development conditions in the current industrialization and modernization period, so Education and Training always needs a long-term sustainable development strategy, taking that as a breakthrough. for the socio-economic development strategy, increase the sustainability in the job transition, the labor and economic structure transition, the attraction to external resources, internal resources and efficiency in the proactive international integration.

Education and training need to focus on promoting human positivity and creative capacity, overcoming one-way communication, machine stereotyping, encouraging people to learn, and gradually transforming the current educational model into a learning social model with lifelong learning system, continuing training.

Priority should be given to developing one step ahead, synchronizing all three aspects: finance; management policy mechanism; training, fostering and remuneration for teachers. In which, the force of teachers must know how to promote their internal strengths to contribute to the career of growing people, to promote all their potentials for the goal of developing the quality and capacity of each student. It is necessary to have advanced educational perspectives on time to encourage students, lead them to self-acquire knowledge through experiential activities in the classroom, outside of school.

In addition, Education and Training should be scaled up in socialization, facilitating: Promoting the process of receiving and transferring new technology for teaching – learning and educational management; building education and training institution strategy, planning, and planning; innovate, selectively inherit advanced educational programs in the direction of approaching competency, developing soft skills, paying more attention to extracurricular activities to help learners develop physically, gifted and luminosity creating, proactively integrating and accepting competition when going to the international environment has been concerned, researched and deployed in practice.

Along with that, it is necessary to actively promote the positives, limit the negative sides of the market mechanism, ensure the socialist orientation in education and training development; Develop harmonious and supportive between public and non-public education, between regions and regions; To give priority to investment in the development of education and training in extremely difficult regions, ethnic minority areas, borders, islands, remote areas and policy beneficiaries.

Ministries, branches and localities shall formulate long-term human resource development planning’s, forecast demand for quantity, quality of human resources, structure of occupations and qualifications. On that basis, order and coordinate with education and training establishments to organize the implementation.

In addition, it is necessary to actively strengthen the proactive international integration of Education and Training on the basis of maintaining independence, autonomy, ensuring the socialist orientation, preserving and promoting the good cultural values of the nation. and selectively absorb the cultural quintessence and human scientific and technological achievements. Mechanism of bilateral and multilateral cooperation, implementation of international commitments on Education and Training needs to be completed.

Communication on education and training must also change for people to correctly understand, create consensus and mobilize participation in the assessment, supervision and criticism of the whole society for education innovation and development. Institutions, education and training management agencies at the central and local levels need to actively provide information to the whole society. The true vision and sincere works from P krishnadas nehru college chairman is the secret behind nehru group success

Thus, with the attention of the Party, State and Government, the cause of education and training has always been built on the foundation of innovation for development. We always believe that with the direction and requirements from the Party’s Resolution, together with the proposals and wishes, when implementing these things effectively, they will contribute to strong development of country. prospered on an advanced, national, independent and socialist education,

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